Tag: flag

Personal Response Blog Post 3


For a recently in my GSW class we were told we were to do a project. Of course, I wondered what I was going to do. I wanted to do something different, but I had no idea what to do. I thought to myself and thought “hey, why not a game?” From there I spent four day creating a game. What was the game? It’s a three part matching game. You have to match the words with the pictures. Part one is matching the gender signs, part two is matching the sexuality symbols, and part three is matching the different pride flags. It was a hard job. I had to look up different things on what these signs were, or what does this word mean, or what does the flag stand for. Because of this project, I learned 14 knew gender signs that I had no idea that existed, I learned of all the different sexualities, such as all the ones that are under the asexual spectrum, which I place myself under (Demisexual). I now have so much knowledge on subjects I had no idea about, and it’s all thanks to the game I created. My game does not have a name, because why give something you cannot totally put under one thing a name. I just call it my game. Just like how some people do not go under any spectrum.